Some of the sayings about dogs for centuries are myths in reality. In this blog, we discussed the biggest misconceptions about dogs. 

1.   A warm or dry nose means your dog is sick.

This is one of the biggest myths about the health of the dog. People think that the dog’s cold and wet nose means the dog is healthy, and a warm and dry nose means your dog is sick. The temperature and moisture of the dog’s nose have no part in the health of the dog. When your dog works up, its nose will dry and warm usually. 

2.   Dog’s mouths are cleaner than human mouths.

You had heard about this thing that when a dog licked your face or the food that you are eating, then you should not worry because the dog’s mouth is cleaner than your mouth. This is wrong that the dog’s mouth is cleaner because it contains many germs, bacteria, and icky things. The dog eats the things from trash or ground and then licks himself how the mouth of the dog can be cleaner than yours. The other reason is that dogs do not get their teeth brushed as people, so bacteria are present in the mouth.  

3.  Dogs see black and white. 

It was believed that dog could see only black and white colors and many people still thinks the same. The dog can see colors but not the way humans see. Dogs can see the colors clearly on the blue side of the spectrum based on the dogs’ retina. 

4.   Dogs eat grass to make themselves vomit.

Dogs indeed eat grass from different places, but it is not true that they eat grass to vomit themselves or show themselves sick or ill. Dogs eat grass because they like it. Many of the dogs chomp while some of the dog’s graze. If a dog eats a lot of grass, then there will be more grass in the stomach that dogs cannot digest and vomit. 

5.   You cannot teach new tricks to your dog.

You hear that you cannot teach your dog new things and tricks. It is the same case with people that old age people cannot learn new things or simply do not want to. But in dogs, it is quite a different case. 

 Old age dogs are interested in learning new tricks, and they are ready to take the training. It is not easy to teach old age dogs, but it is possible. You can teach your dogs by making things interesting, like you can use treats or toys. 

6.   A wagging tail means your dog is happy.

The common myth about dogs is that they move their tail when they are happy or excited or want to play. But they move their tail for other reasons. Dog’s body language is hard o understand, and tail wagging is one of them; tail wagging can be a sign of anxiety and fear also or if your aggressive, they will move their tail.